Every time you receive an unsolicited email sent by a self-described SEO expert from a faraway land promising to unlock the secrets of search engine optimisation – beware. Odds are the helpful sounding new service is email spam and an SEO scam.

OK, it’s not exactly like the Nigerian prince who emails you in broken English to explain that you can get rich quick by helping him transfer millions of dollars out of his war-torn home country.

Instead, the all-too-familiar SEO scam goes something like this:

An “SEO expert” or “online strategist” emails you with news that he or she has analysed your website and noticed that it is underperforming. They often mention unspecified “problems” or “errors” that are causing your website to underperform – but don’t worry, there’s good news.
They say they can easily rocket you to the top of Google search results for your most important keywords.

You’re told you’ll gain more traffic and more online customers if you just reply to the person. The problem is, the vast majority of these unsolicited emails are about as legitimate as the Nigerian Prince and his royal fortune.

So how did the SEO spammer find me?

If you’ve received one, or more likely many, of these emails recently, chances are excellent that it was not a personal note to you but rather a piece of spam generated in bulk by a software program.

The messages may range from grammatically ridiculous to personalised and legitimate sounding pitches. In reality, it is almost certain that no one has spent any time analysing your website.

The usual strategy is that if you contact the sender to discuss web services or search engine optimisation, they will run a quick analysis of your site and then try to sell you a contract for SEO that builds zero long-term value.

Though you may have received a personalised email with your name and website address, the message(s) most likely arrived at your inbox through the magic of automation.

The software systems behind the scam are capable of using publicly available data to generate lists of websites, website owners and contact emails; then add the boilerplate text and send out the mass mailings. Alternatively, your contact info may have been on a list purchased by the spammer. With this minimal labour scenario, even a negligible conversion rate can yield viable leads.

But the SEO spam email seems tailored to me?

The email sender may greet you by your first name and might even identify your website by name. However, you’ll notice that most of the rest of the message is generic. And though it is common for prospects to be told that their site is failing to rank for important keywords, the keywords are never usually identified.

It also may seem tailored to you because, as a smart online businessperson, you are acutely aware of the importance of search engine optimisation and very interested in using SEO strategies to boost your web traffic and then turn those visitors into leads and customers.

It may also seem tailored to you because, who wouldn’t want to have their website pop up on page one when people search for their products or services on Google.

The easiest emails to identify as fake are the poorly written ones or those that sprinkle in lots of extra hyphens where hyphens don’t normally appear. However, others are actually well written and may even make reference to actual ranking factors.

It is very common for the spammers to conclude their spam pitches with the line, “PS: I am not spamming.” Three of the most obvious red flags are:

The correspondence is unsolicited.
The company is not named.
You receive an identical pitch from multiple senders.

Humorous evidence of the generic nature of these spam emails comes from Matt Cutts, former head of Google’s web spam team, who posted a message received by a colleague at Google, offering to make “a few changes (aesthetically and/or SEO-wise) to make your site convert more visitors into leads and to get it placed higher in the organic search results.” If this email came from an actual human being, he or she must be a very stupid one (“Duh, Dear Google – If you pay us, we’ll help Google rank higher on Google”).

Here at Acceler8 Media, we get these pitches all the time even though we publicly identify ourselves as offering a range of SEO services. As such, any SEO consultant who made a quick visit to our website would realise that emailing us was a waste of time.

Our clients regularly get these emails too, and sometimes ask us if they are worth looking into.

Should I consider SEO services from an unsolicited email?

No. No. No. Just ignore, delete and report it as spam.

Not only are such offers not worth investigating, they actually serve to undermine the credibility of legitimate SEO service providers. The black hat SEO spammers want to scare you into paying for a service they invariably never deliver.

Far better to stay focused on sensible, measurable SEO goals by working with a legitimate provider.

One reason these scams are still operating is that SEO strategy is complex and, done right, quite time-consuming as well. Due to the power of wishful thinking, it’s not surprising that some of us may be tempted to respond to such an email. But there are no easy fixes or short cuts when it comes to ranking well on Google.

If you’re still not convinced, ask yourself the following question: Do I really think that hiring someone I don’t know, who reached me through an unsolicited spam email, is a wise investment in SEO strategy?

Real SEO – part art, part science – is a painstaking process that takes time and cannot be automated. Contact us today if you’d like to talk more about the crucial role of search engine optimisation in a successful digital marketing program.

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Everyone should be familiar with how important SEO is for business. The goal is to enhance your visibility, traffic, and rankings within search results of Google. The ever-changing market and Search Engine trends have brought something new to the fore – Google Local SEO.

Google Local SEO is where you use your My Business page on Google to appear on the first page of search results for your services as a mapped location.

There are basically three reasons people use the internet: for entertainment, solving a problem, or looking for a service or business. Your business or someone else’s can be the solution to someone’s problem.

With some hard work and SEO optimisation, you could rank well in the search listings. The best way to rank well is using Google Local places. Along with SEO, digital marketing services and campaigns, a simple Google Places listing boosts your online presence proving to be invaluable to business – Google Local SEO.


Google maps help in directions, and if you know about Google maps marketing, you are already familiar with the concept of Google places. When your business is searched, it adds a box to the right side of the search results displaying all the necessary details. Google Local SEO shows on the Google maps. The most beneficial aspect about Google Local SEO is the improved search ranking.

Google is the key place people go to look for answers. 3.5 billion searches happen every single day. On average, approximately 97% of consumers browse for local businesses online. Through both organic and paid searches. Google can substantially impact your brand awareness and customer traffic.

With increasing competition and businesses popping up, the need to know about businesses in the area has become a necessity in 2019. Google places let us see what we need near us. Google Local allows your business to be verified on Google places. It gives trust and confidence to Google that you are a legitimate and trustworthy company that provides its services.

The aim of all businesses is to be ranked among legitimate and trusted companies.

Be found in local search

Businesses need to create a place for themselves in the Google Local results with the growing competition and keep up with it. Google Places help you in creating a true online presence. It is an online tool allowing your local businesses to be listed on Google Maps and display information about businesses to their customers.

Take an example and search for a specific restaurant. You will see that the left side of the browser shows all the details – address, contact number, opening hours, website and direction to the place. No business, be it retail, dining or anything would want to ignore the chance of getting listed.

Google maps can make or break your access and reach to potential customers. Apart from getting listed, using Google Local SEO can display reviews of your services as well.

Local SEO Is Key For Mobile Traffic

Anybody with a smart device or any platform can access Google maps. According to stats, 85% of small setups and businesses value local traffic, but only half of the companies have updated local listings online. Therefore, the majority of firms that have been checked do not have correct business information.

With the help of Google local, customers can find you easily and much faster. Often, Facebook or Google business pages are used by customers to find solutions to their problem. When you optimise each of your online profiles, it contributes to your overall Google local SEO.

When search engines like Google see the use of consistent information across the online platforms, it is taken as a high ranking factor for their search results. Google Local pages for businesses often appear at the top of Google’s search results page.

What Does Local SEO Do For Your Business?

Optimising your Google Local SEO not only ranks you in top search results but secures and protects your online business brand identity.

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The simplest answer to the question, can I generate business from Social Media? is yes. For example, one can set up a store on Facebook, join an existing marketplace or casually mention the name of a business on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. While this is the case, it is important to adhere to all rules and regulations as defined and provided by site and page administrators.

Most business owners and marketing professionals think of these social networking websites to be most useful in brand building and advertising. For, it does not seem plausible that someone would buy a product off a picture or short tweet. While this may be the case, there are individuals currently using these outlets for generating leads in order to sell a number of products and services.

While these networking websites may have started more as a communication tool with regards to rebuilding long lost friendships and relationships, most provide far more than just a way to promote brands and market to current customers. For, when an individual can follow instructions, it is possible to use sites such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to generate new leads.

Using social media in this manner can also save businesses and marketers a great deal of money. In fact, this type of marketing has already reduced costs for forty-five percent of businesses advertising on these sites. Whereas, most have seen an increased revenue of over 24% when utilising social media.

When it comes to using these websites to make money, the first place to start is with branding and lead generation. For, once an individual has a branded product, the individual can begin lead generation on different social media websites. In some cases, individuals have been to known run a test trial before the branded product actually exist.

In doing so, individuals have been able to use different networking websites to gain an idea of how much interest there may be in a product. Whereas, those marketing the product can also discover which audience is the most interested, then frame future advertising toward the demographics of that specific audience. After which, it can be much easier to transform the audience and others into paying customers.

In the past, lead generation often included market research, surveys or getting readers to fill out a form in the back pages of a magazine. However, the internet has totally changed the face of business when it comes to advertising and selling products and services. For, businesses now use gated content, email, paid ad campaigns and product placement rather than spending money on market research, surveys or ads in newspapers and magazines.

Ultimately, social networking websites makes the lead generation process even easier because all the information about the product can be shared among contacts and friends. After which, those individuals then share with others and so on and so forth. As such, the number of people receiving the product information is much higher than in older forms of advertising. Whereas, people whom like the product can go to a product page and “like, ” the product which then promotes even more sales. As such, the answer with regards to generating money on social networking websites is a resounding, yes.

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At Acceler8 Media our aim is always to provide customers with the best web presence possible, whilst providing an exceptional level of support and advice. This is exemplified by the experiences of North West Asbestos who tasked us with rebuilding their website and implementing a combination of SEO and Google Ads to promote the new site. The review they provided in response to their experiences makes all of our hard work worthwhile:

‘Since joining Acceler8 Media our work has increased by more than 30%. The most amazing thing about this up turn in business is that the amount we were spending on marketing prior to moving to Acceler8 was more than double what it is now. They keep in touch with us and send us a regular up dates from our advertising with them. Fully recommend them.’

North West Asbestos

Year on year, the performance of the website continues to improve and the latest Google Analytics data demonstrates the uplift in traffic:

  • 41% increase in visitors to the website compared to the same period last year.
  • 37% increase in page views compared to the previous year, due to improved content and usability on mobile devices.
  • 42% increase in new visitors to the website compared to the same period last year.

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Advances in modern technology have contributed to the internet being one of the fastest and most convenient means of obtaining information. For the success of companies in a competitive environment, securing online presence and brand awareness are important to remain a cut above the rest. Learning about the benefits of Google local for business in Lancashire can assist in making informed and successful decisions.

Research has revealed that most online users look for a place when searching for information. By listing a business with Google local, companies are able to tap into these markets to increase the chance of attracting markets on an international level. Applying effective promotional strategies can aid in building targeted traffic and the success of a brand on the world wide web.

Utilizing the Google places services provides the opportunity to place an enterprise on the map. The features allow one to manage company contact information from telephone details to addresses. Online visitors who search for details that are related to the firm will have the website results produced in the search engine. The user will have the option to click on a web link or learn more about a company resource without needing a site.

Smaller enterprises can benefit from this feature as it makes for easier search results when people from a specific location are searching for related information. The service is free and can be completed with some time and knowledge in web based advertising. It serves as one of the most effective marketing options available for companies of different sizes and requirements.

Implementing the appropriate online processes assists in improving the position for the enterprise online and in the major search engines. The application of the appropriate promotional measures can boost rankings as it targets more traffic and improves the means for the company to remain visible on the internet. This resource can be used as a web based yellow pages providing the customer with a quick and convenient solution to obtain information.

A listing within the online directories makes it easier for potential customers to find businesses and to contact the company based on the information that is provided. The proper online measures must be implemented to ensure that the most successful results are produced. An added benefit of utilizing this feature is that companies without a website can sign up and obtain greater exposure.

The firm that is listed with the local feature will include marking with Google maps. Should a customer come across the company, the map function can provide exact details about its location. This is an affordable and efficient means of delivering particular details about an organization that provides maximum advertising results.

Utilizing modern features for the needs of businesses can provide endless marketing results that include online visibility and improvements in brand awareness and development. Google local is a cost effective solution serving as a directory for an organization that can be listed in an efficient and an effective manner. It is important that such features are correctly utilized to deliver the greatest web based returns.

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Social media has provided businesses with a number of unique ways to communicate with their customer base and market themselves to new clients. Learning more about the many benefits of twitter for business in Lancashire will ensure that you do not overlook any online marketing opportunities and tools that may allow for more effective digital promotional efforts. When it comes to marketing your organisation, a little insight can go a very long way.

Unlike print media and other more conventional ways to advertise, social media offers the means to reach a large audience without additional costs. While established promotional methods still have their place, the cost effective nature and other potential advantages that digital marketing has to offer can be an essential resource. Crafting a more effective marketing strategy is easier when you have the right information.

A more balanced and versatile advertising campaign that incorporates a number of different tools, methods and formats can often produce superior results. Relying on a strategy that may be too limited could prove to be a very costly misstep. Companies and organisations seeking to enjoy a more successful promotional campaign would be wise to utilize social media.

Social media services offer businesses the chance to provide their customer and client base with real time information. From topical current events to special time sensitive promotional opportunities, being able to communicate with a larger audience is never an issue that should be looked upon lightly. Social media platforms have much to offer organisations seeking to improve the quality of their customer service.

Advertising costs can place considerably strain on your overall budget, especially when cost effective opportunities go overlooked. Social media sites and services are often free to use making them one of the most attractive promotional tools available. Spending a little time setting up an account could be all that is required to improve your promotional efforts.

Learning what you can about various online marketing strategies and methods would also be to your benefit. Having a social media account that you are unable to utilize due to a poor understanding of the format could create many problems. Making an effort to educate yourself or your staff can often be very rewarding.

Being unable to contact and interact with your established customers can become a major liability. Ensuring that you are able to meet the needs of you customers, clients and associates can ensure that customer satisfaction does not become a larger issue. Social media offers a quick and easy way to interact with both existing customers and those who may be interested in your products or services.

Failing to adapt to changing times can be nothing short of a disaster in today’s competitive marketplace. Companies and organisations that are tired of the high costs and limitations of more convenient marketing methods would be smart to learn more about everything that social media has to offer. The biggest sites and most popular services can provide plenty of of opportunities to market your organisation, build and maintain brand recognition and attract the attention of a greater number of prospective customers and future clients.

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The landscape of digital marketing is always advancing, and in 2016, today’s advertisers should be one stage in front of innovation patterns and purchaser practices with one goal – they convey the data clients need and anticipate. There’s such a great amount of data out there – and individuals expect your message ‘on interest’, over the distinctive applications, stages and gadgets they have available to them. So, making a pertinent and responsive, normal brand experience by means of advanced means is pivotal.

In view of this, we’ve investigated what 2016 has in store regarding digital marketing and what we foresee will be the greatest patterns to develop for the year ahead.

If you are looking to stay ahead of the game in Lancashire, why not give Acceler8 Media a call?

7 Trends in Digital Marketing to be Aware of in 2016 – Acceler8 Media

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To many of us it may seem a little premature to be thinking about Christmas 2016 when we have only just started the New Year! However, this is actually the ideal time for assessing what sales were achieved through your eCommerce website and start planning improvements for your next key sales periods. To that end we have produced an informative infographic highlighting key statistics the owners of eCommerce sites will need to consider during 2016.

If you need any advice please feel free to give us a call at Acceler8 Media in the heart of Lancashire.

You can also see a more recent article on eCommerce here!

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With increased hype around social media and web strategies, the New Year brings with it innovative ways to capitalize on media. Content marketing in 2016 focuses on interaction and means of attracting customers with access to information quickly in an affordable manner. This includes the use of podcasts, blogs, and undiscovered steps in social media to engage both new and existing clients.
While blogs may appear to to be an outdated strategy, it has received increased attention when combined with other strategies and efforts to engage and excite online audiences. Emphasis is placed on incorporating various marketing methods and placing into a single platform for an entertaining and efficient result. Providing customers with something new and familiar has been recognized as staying above the competition.

Blogs can be used to advertise various products, services, and brands, but can be more effective when interactive features are included. Podcasts, videos, and interactive posts offer a modern platform to appeal to traffic and to provide the best advertising. While the goal is to create sales, it must be achieved by engaging with the customer and developing trust in the brand or business.

Social media remains one of the fastest growing platforms for marketing purposes as it is fast, allows for real time posts and is affordable. Unfortunately many people lose interest in more of the same and require additional features and functions to maintain interest. Focus on telling a story through a service, product or brand development rather than isolate a range through traditional promotional methods.

Create innovative and unique brand awareness using platforms such as Instagram through story telling. This includes the balanced use of imagery or video marketing to attract customers and appeal to the emotion of online users. It creates a more memorable experience when the brand is associated with a particular tale and allows individuals to connect with the advert on a personal level.

Make sales easier and more efficient for the buyer by incorporating web strategies that can be easily accessed by mobile devices. Social media has been incorporated by many companies for the purchase of goods by commenting on particular products and allowing for the secure of a deal. Buying options may be linked to an application offering clients flexible solutions and security to encourage continued buying activity and business recommendations.

The digital and fast pace of communication mean that more people are interested in obtaining information or purchasing goods in a quick and simple manner. It is important to be innovative, but not to complicate the process involved in extracting data or conducting a sale. Careful use of video while including high quality descriptions prove most favorable for the modern online user.

Content is one of the most important strategies that must be adopted by all companies in the advertising of products and services. This includes associated brands with particular national days, emotions and innovative steps to attract and retain consumers. Brand development relies on effective interaction with the customer that can be achieved through effective story telling and access to accurate and updated information.

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