When running a business, many questions can come to mind. One of them is where to advertise your enterprise. The modern digital age enables businesses of every size to thrive on campaigns that are only run on online advertising platforms. Whether you own a small enterprise or are the chief executive officer of a multinational firm, you need to reach customers online because that is where they spend their time. The following is a guide on how to choose the right ad platform for your business.

To find the right adverting platform, you need to analyze the enterprise you run objectively first. Consider which type of enterprise you have. Contemplate on whether it is local or worldwide and if you sell products that customers can order online and can ship to other destinations.

You may also sell online services such as consultancy or have a web-based app offering services like taxi hire, cleaning, or language courses. In addition, consider the target market, which could be men, women, teenagers, or children. An audience exists for each service or product, and there is an ad platform that can assist you to reach a particular audience.

You also need to analyze the audience. Contemplate on who the current customers are, their genders, location, ages and interests. Find out about the people who visit your website and are interested in the products or services you offer. Find out also if these people get to the site using smartphones, tablets or desktop computers and the sources they come from such as PPC ads, referral websites or social media.

As you analyze the customers, also find out which keywords they used to find you. The other way to gather information about the customers is running periodic customer feedback questionnaires over the internet and offering rewards. You may also ask the customer support team to inform you about the individuals who order your products. A customer service team speaks with the customers through calls or text messages every day and can therefore provide you with common customer behaviors, characteristics, and expectations.

The other thing you should do to choose the right ad platform is defining your marketing aim and stage in the sales funnel. Consider if you wish to introduce a brand to the world or whether you have a well-established brand and want to direct customers to the product pages. All major platforms ask business owners to select an aim before they upload and launch their campaign. The platforms can provide you with different tools to build a message and advertising based on the goal you select.

If the advertising goals is increasing brand awareness and customer engagement, building your brand or widening audience reach, online ad platforms like search engine marketing, social media marketing, paid impressions and search engine marketing can be useful. If you wish to convert the target audience and increase sales, you can opt for retargeting, display advertising and programmatic advertising.

You should also select an ad platform that enables you to calibrate your campaign. The best advertising platforms usually have a user-friendly interface. However, select a platform that can enable you to recalibrate the campaign depending on feedback or results. Programmatic and digital advertising platforms provide this capability.

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Establishing a brand can be tough in a competitive industry or niche market. As more small businesses enter into tough market conditions, the internet provides one of the fastest and most powerful platforms all businesses can use to reach its customers and provide a unique brand story. With the following strategies, learn how you can grow your business and leads with SEO.

SEO or search engine optimization remains one of the most sought after and important marketing methods for enterprises of all sizes. Such optimization strategies are created to target a specific group of customers, improve overall ranking in the major search engines and to drive traffic to the website. To ensure online users find targeted websites and pages in the major search engines, it must be optimized and can be achieved through lead generation.

To get your brand recognized, it is important to invest in optimal lead generation strategies. Through leads you can attract customers to your business and achieve the brand recognition that is part of an optimized website. From social media to creating blog posts, a structured marketing campaign must be created to produce the desired results.

Develop your business by creating optimized blog pages that will provide your online business the support it needs, linking to specific keywords. Blogs provide organic optimization including fresh content from researched copy including keywords to relevant images. Manage blog content by producing regular, relevant posts, incorporating keywords, adding a fair number of links and using the appropriate subheadings.

Improve the efficiency and loading times of all web pages. People who visit a website want pages that are easy to read, simple to navigate and load efficiently. The correct balance of text and images create an appealing layout for your visitors but also contribute to the leads you can generate online. Ensure every link and element on the website is working as it should to avoid poor loading issues.

Use social media to link to the business website and help target the necessary leads while improving online visibility. The top sites that appear in the major search engines include social media platforms and therefore incorporating this strategy as part of an online advertising campaign is imperative when building a business. Social media should include updated posts, keywords, a brief bio and share buttons encouraging online visitors to share relevant posts.

Ensure that a website has been designed for mobile functionality. As more people use their smartphones and tablets to discover information, ensuring the website is designed for mobile viewing can appeal to more people. When applying the appropriate methods, you can achieve the best possible results when you invest in the techniques needed to create additional leads and optimize a website.

Developing an online marketing campaign is essential for growth and the advancement of all businesses. The more time and effort vested in top lead generation and SEO strategies, the more visible a website becomes in the major search engines. With tailored marketing campaigns and unique strategies, it becomes easier and faster to climb up the search engine ladder and establish a brand.

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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process by which growing and established companies improve their page placement with search engines. When consumers are looking for companies like yours online, they usually migrate to listings that are posted at the top of results pages. If your business isn’t found there, you’ll be missing out on countless opportunities for conversion. As your learn more about SEO, however, you may find yourself asking the all-too-common question, “What is pay per click advertising?“.

This is the process of targeting select keywords for placement among sponsored content at the top of the page. As such, you can instantly get online attention for your business, but your link will not appear among the organic listings. It is a quick and easy way to generate traffic when you really need.

The challenge with this type of marketing is that it can quickly become very costly. One reason why this is true is that you will be paying for all click-throughs that you get throughout the duration of your campaign. This remains true even if people merely land on your pages for a second or so and then bounce back to search engine results. Even though these visits do not result in profitable sales and conversions, they will still cost you cash.

Due to this fact, campaigns that are not professional prepared or at least planned properly can really harm a company’s bottom line. This is why some companies drastically limit the duration of their campaigns. They do this to ensure that people are only seeing their listings at a time when they are likely to result in actual conversions or visits of interest.

It is additionally important to note that consumers have become increasingly discerning throughout the years. Nearly all web users can distinguish between paid listings and those websites that have ranked organically. Moreover, they tend to be more trusting and more willing to visit web pages that have linked through proper SEO.

SEO has a number of secondary benefits. The process of optimizing organically for search engines allows companies to build brand recognition, foster trust, establish themselves as industry authorities and much more. As such, these efforts can actually start paying off even before first page placement is actually achieved.

The major drawback of SEO, particularly when it is compared to PPC strategies is that it can take significantly longer to work. Some companies wait months before they even show up on the first page of results, and then, it may not be for their most targeted keyword. PPC helps businesses start attracting attention right away and this makes it good for reaching a number of short-term and profit-related goals.

Understanding these things, using PPC is definitely a good idea, but you always want to bolster these efforts by practicing search engine optimization as well. Marketing is an ongoing process and one that is guaranteed to throw you a few new challenges throughout the years. With a balanced blend of both SEO and PPC marketing tactics, however, you will be able to poise your company for online success.

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The simplest answer to the question, can I generate business from Social Media? is yes. For example, one can set up a store on Facebook, join an existing marketplace or casually mention the name of a business on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. While this is the case, it is important to adhere to all rules and regulations as defined and provided by site and page administrators.

Most business owners and marketing professionals think of these social networking websites to be most useful in brand building and advertising. For, it does not seem plausible that someone would buy a product off a picture or short tweet. While this may be the case, there are individuals currently using these outlets for generating leads in order to sell a number of products and services.

While these networking websites may have started more as a communication tool with regards to rebuilding long lost friendships and relationships, most provide far more than just a way to promote brands and market to current customers. For, when an individual can follow instructions, it is possible to use sites such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to generate new leads.

Using social media in this manner can also save businesses and marketers a great deal of money. In fact, this type of marketing has already reduced costs for forty-five percent of businesses advertising on these sites. Whereas, most have seen an increased revenue of over 24% when utilising social media.

When it comes to using these websites to make money, the first place to start is with branding and lead generation. For, once an individual has a branded product, the individual can begin lead generation on different social media websites. In some cases, individuals have been to known run a test trial before the branded product actually exist.

In doing so, individuals have been able to use different networking websites to gain an idea of how much interest there may be in a product. Whereas, those marketing the product can also discover which audience is the most interested, then frame future advertising toward the demographics of that specific audience. After which, it can be much easier to transform the audience and others into paying customers.

In the past, lead generation often included market research, surveys or getting readers to fill out a form in the back pages of a magazine. However, the internet has totally changed the face of business when it comes to advertising and selling products and services. For, businesses now use gated content, email, paid ad campaigns and product placement rather than spending money on market research, surveys or ads in newspapers and magazines.

Ultimately, social networking websites makes the lead generation process even easier because all the information about the product can be shared among contacts and friends. After which, those individuals then share with others and so on and so forth. As such, the number of people receiving the product information is much higher than in older forms of advertising. Whereas, people whom like the product can go to a product page and “like, ” the product which then promotes even more sales. As such, the answer with regards to generating money on social networking websites is a resounding, yes.

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At Acceler8 Media our aim is always to provide customers with the best web presence possible, whilst providing an exceptional level of support and advice. This is exemplified by the experiences of North West Asbestos who tasked us with rebuilding their website and implementing a combination of SEO and Google Ads to promote the new site. The review they provided in response to their experiences makes all of our hard work worthwhile:

‘Since joining Acceler8 Media our work has increased by more than 30%. The most amazing thing about this up turn in business is that the amount we were spending on marketing prior to moving to Acceler8 was more than double what it is now. They keep in touch with us and send us a regular up dates from our advertising with them. Fully recommend them.’

North West Asbestos

Year on year, the performance of the website continues to improve and the latest Google Analytics data demonstrates the uplift in traffic:

  • 41% increase in visitors to the website compared to the same period last year.
  • 37% increase in page views compared to the previous year, due to improved content and usability on mobile devices.
  • 42% increase in new visitors to the website compared to the same period last year.

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The crux of keeping any business afloat is generating new leads and ultimately customers. Now matter how well established your business may be, there always tends to be a natural turnover of the customer base for a variety of factors. Even if you endeavour to keep everyone of your customers as your number one priority there are always factors outside your influence which mean that you lose customers.

At Acceler8 Media we tend to think of our customer base as a leaky bucket. As we deal with a large number of SME businesses there tends to be a natural loss due to external factors e.g. retirement, closing the business, cashflow problems etc…. All of these things are outside of our control and no matter how good the work is that we have done for these customers they will always end up leaving. As such, in order to at least maintain the customer base and ideally grow it we are always looking to engage new clients.

Social Media is one of the services we offer to businesses, but it is also a massively important source of new work for ourselves. It wouldn’t be fair for us to preach the benefits of Social Media to our clients if we didn’t use it as a key resource in our own development. We have a number of followers on Twitter and they are made up of genuine businesses and networking opportunities. We focus on organically attracting business followers in and around Lancashire. Because of this it is fair to say that we probably generate at least one direct message a week enquiring about our services purely from our Twitter activity. This is in addition to our Facebook referrals which seem to be generated as a matter of course through referral from our customers individual accounts.

However, I think it is fair to say that we have never really capitalised on the power of Linkedin and the massive potential it offers for networking and referrals. We have decided that is definitely something we need to improve over the coming months and have found an excellent infographic with some great tips on how to use Linkedin. We think a lot of the information is invaluable and hope that some of our avid blog readers will benefit as well.

Watch this space and we will share any good news we get via our new Linkedin campaign!

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