Social Media has been the focus of digital marketing strategies for sometime now and although larger businesses and organisations have embraced and capitilised on the potential, many are still playing catch up and trying to establish a foothold. Creating a social media profile is easy, the difficult part is establishing a network of genuine followers and keeping them engaged. Here at Acceler8 Media we regularly see clients in Blackburn and Darwen who say they are 'on Facebook' or 'on Twitter' and think that this is all they need to do....... However, if you have a look at the profiles they are referring to the only followers they have are family and friends and the number of posts are in single figures. Sound familiar? In reality this is equivalent to having a poster for your business and sticking it up in your front room - the only people who will see it already know it exists!

A lot of people enter the realm of Social Media with the misconception that it is free. If this was true no one would need to pay for advertising any more and successfully marketing your business would be simple process. In reality the true cost of successfully building a Social Media network is time and effort. If you want to build up your followers you need to be publishing varied and engaging content on a regular basis. The quality of your content and posts can be guaged by the number of times they are getting retweeted or favourited. If this is happening rarely, chances are your followers don't see any value in what you write and will soon start to disengage.

As businesses start to understand the time implications of managing their Social Media profiles they also see the benefits of outsourcing the task to experts who can massively improve success. So if your Social Media campaigns are dull and lacking engagement maybe it is time to contact the team at Acceler8 to see if we can help.

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